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020 3-13-732401-7 (Thieme)
020 0-86577-307-6 (Thieme Med. Publ.)
080 611
Všeob.údaje zprac.Frick, Hans, 1921-
24510Human Anatomy. Bd. 1, General Anatomy, Special Anatomy: Limbs, Trunk Wall, Head and Neck
24630General Anatomy, Special Anatomy: Limbs, Trunk Wall, Head and Neck
260 Stuttgart : Georg Thieme, 1991
Informační poznámka 13, 853 s
7001 Leonhardt, Helmut, 1918-2000
7001 Starck, Dietrich, 1908-2001
910 OLA001 586.265/ 1
964 Anatomie příručky