Katalog Vědecké knihovny v Olomouci, báze SVK01, záznam 000220855

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Všeob.údaje zprac.Bradley, John William, 1830-1916
24512A dictionary of miniaturists, illuminators, calligraphers, and copyists, with references to their works, and notices of their patrons : from the establishment of Christianity to the eighteenth century / Vol. II., G-N / compiled from various sources, many hitherto inedited by John W. Bradley
250 Facsim reprint, originally published: London : Bernard Quaritch, 1887-89
260 New York : Burt Franklin, 1973
Obecné poznámky[6], 372 s.
4901 Bibliography and Reference Series ; 8
PObecAntBibliography and Reference Series
Sigla,sign.vlastn.OLA001 496.147/ 2