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Zkrácený názevIRE trans. prod. eng. prod.
Klíčový názevI.R.E. transactions on product engineering and production
Názvové údajeIRE transactions on product engineering and production
Varianta názvuProduct engineering and production
Varianta názvuTransactions on product engineering and production
Varianta názvuI.R.E. transactions on product engineering and production
Nakladatel.údajeNew York, N.Y. : Professional Group on Product Engineering and Production, Institute of Radio Engineers, 1961-1962
Souč.periodicita4x ročně
VZ-KorporaceInstitute of Radio Engineers. Professional Group on Product Engineering and Production.
Předch.záhlavíI.R.E. transactions on production techniques 0096-1779
Násled.záhlaví IEEE transactions on product engineering and production 0097-4544
Sigla,sign.vlastn.OLA001 II 330.927 1961-62 5-6
Počet exemplářů2