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020 3-88763-069-6 (brož.)
080 615
1112 Colloidal Drug Carriers - CDC. Expert Meeting (3. : 1997 : Berlin)
24510Emulsions and Nanosuspensions for the Formulation of Poorly Soluble Drugs : the Book Chapters are based on the Invited Lectures and Communications presented at the Colloidal Drug Carriers - CDC - 3rd Expert Meeting : Berlin, 29.-31. 5. 1997 / edited by Rainer H. Müller ...[et al.]
260 Stuttgart : Medpharm, 1998
Informační poznámka 396 s. : il., fot., tab., grafy.
504 Bibliogr. na konci kapitol
6530 nanosuspenze
7001 Müller, Rainer H.
910 OLA001 1-109.724
964 Léky špatně rozpustné emulze nanosuspenze