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HZ-Osobní jménoBaker, Augustine, 1575-1641
Názvové údajeSancta Sophia or directions for the Prayer of contemplation eetc. / Extracted out of more then XL. Treatises written by the late ven. Father F. Augustin Baker, a Monke of the English congregation of the Holy order of S. Benedict: And Methodicaally digested by the R. F. Serenus Cressy, Of the same order and Congregation. And printed at the charges of bis Convent of S. Gregories on Doway
Nakladatel.údajeAt Doway : By John Patte and Thomas Fievet, 1657
Sigla,sign.vlastn.OLA001 37.712
Místo původu pub.Doway ?
Počet exemplářů1