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Názvové údajeThe relation of the death of that great generalissimo (of his Imperiall Maiestie) the Duke of Meckleburg, Fridland, Sagan, and great Glogaw, &c. Together with the cause thereof. A coppy of the oath taken by his commanders (to be faithfull unto him) but a little before the same. Upon which followed the mandate of his Imperiall Maiestie. For his apprehension, and the successe thereof, all which we have received from speciall hands. And by which you may perceive the great distraction of the imperiall army
Nakladatel.údajeLondon : Printed by Tho. Harper, for Nathaniel Butter, and Nicholas Bourne, 1634
Údaje fyz.popisu36 [správně 38] s. ; 4°
*Poz.o zdroji akv.Antikvariát Olomouc nákup 3. 3. 1983 175 Kč CZ-OlVK
Pozn.o vazběNa předsádce Bound by Riviere. Vazba Robert Riviere, londýnský knihvazač francouzského původu. Svázáno 1840-1860.
VZ-Osobní jm.Riviere, Robert knihvazač
Označení - staré tiskyRP
Sigla,sign.vlastn.OLA001 649.683
Místo původu pub.Londýn Velká Británie
Počet exemplářů1