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HZ-Osobní jménoSyllaba, Jiří, 1902-1997
Názvové údajeThe Influence of Saccharine on the Respiratory Exchange and on the Blood-Sugar Level-an Example of the Conditioned Reflex / G. Syllaba
Nakladatel.údajeLondon : Guy's Hospital, 1930
Údaje fyz.popisuS. 231-233.
Edice-jiná formaCollected Papers from the Medical Investigation Department Dealing with Diseases of the Circulation Respiration and Metabolism ; vol. 2, No. 14
Všeobecná pozn.Zvláštní otisk z: Guy' s Hospital Reports, 1930
Společně s:Přívazek k: The Use of Insulin in Private and Panel Practice / E.P. Poulton
VZ-Edice-Unif.náz. Collected Papers from the Medical Investigation Department Dealing with Diseases of the Circulation Respiration and Metabolism
Sigla,sign.vlastn.OLA001 II 206.231/ 2(Přív.) r