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Nakladatel.čísloI 001 Levné knihy
Kód jazykaeng eng
Názvové údajeSongs & Dances of Sioux, Apache, Kiowa, Hopi, Navajo-- [zvukový záznam]
Nakladatel.údaje[Praha] : [Levné knihy], [2004]
Údaje fyz.popisu1 zvuková deska (72:05) : digital ; 12 cm + 1 leták (12x12 cm)
Všeobecná pozn.Kompaktní deska (DDD)
Form.pozn.k obsahuSun dance Love song Crazy dog song Buffalo dance song Man's love song Hand game song Prisoner's song WW II song Warrior death song (for sitting bull) Canvas dance song Funeral song Saguaro song Peyote song Moonlight song Eagle dance Butterfly dance Lullaby Rain dance Night chant Song of happiness Silversmith song Corn grinding song Children's song Church song Devil dance Wolf song Potlatch song Hamatsa song War song for Marriage Religious song Drum dance song Fiddle dance song Bear hunting song Inviting-in dance song His first hunt Hunting for music ox - Dance song Corn dance Stomp dance Song of welcome Buffalo feast song Morning song Song of the unfaithful woman Hoot owi song Oh Mary Catholic hymn
Žánr/formaindiánské písně
Sigla,sign.vlastn.OLA001 CD 4371
Počet exemplářů1