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Kód jazykaeng fre
Kód předm.kateg.094 Staré tisky
HZ-Osobní jménoBourignon, Antoinette, 1616-1680
Názvové údajeAn admirable treatise of solid vertue, unknown to the men of this generation: who take the appearance of vertue, for the true vertue taught by Jesus Christ, in these words: learn of me, for I am meek, and lowly, and humble in heart, and in the other saving instructions which he hath given for true Christians : In twenty four letters to a young man, who sought after the perfection of his soul: teaching him, that it consists in the knowledge of our selves, and in the mortification of our five natural senses... Translated from the French original Part II / By Antonia Bourignon
Nakladatel.údajeLondon : [s.n.], 1699
Sigla,sign.vlastn.OLA001 37.270
Místo původu pub.Londýn Velká Británie
Počet exemplářů1