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Názvové údajeProgress in Endocrinology : proceedings of the Edinburgh meeting on Endocrinology, 16-20 August 1959. Part 2, Biochemistry and biological Actions of Steroids and other Hormones / Edited by K. Fotherby
Nakladatel.údajeCambridge : University Press, 1961
Údaje fyz.popisu11, 167 s.
Edice-jiná formaMemoirs of the Society for Endocrinology ; No. 10
VZ-Osobní jm.Fetherby, K.
VZ-Edice-Unif.náz. Memoirs of the Society for Endocrinology
Sigla,sign.vlastn.OLA001 365.457/ 2 r
Fakturace seriály1