Katalog Vědecké knihovny v Olomouci, báze SVK01, záznam 000743729
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Názvové údaje | Revolutionary Radicalism : Its History, Purpose, and Tactics. With an Exposition and Discussion of the Steps Being Taken and Required to Cure It, Being the Report of the Joint Legislative commitee Investigating Seditious Activities, Filed April, 24, 1920, in the Senate of the State of New York. Part 2. Vol. 3., Constructive Movements and Measures in America |
Nakladatel.údaje | Albany : J.B. Lyon, 1920 |
Údaje fyz.popisu | 21, S. 2009-3140 |
Sigla,sign.vlastn. | OLA001 360.962/ 2(3) r |
Počet exemplářů | 1 |
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