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Nakladatel.čísloCD 68020 SAAR
Názvové údajeFrom spirituals to gospels [zvukový záznam]
Nakladatel.údaje[S.l.] : SAAR, p2001
Údaje fyz.popisu1 zvuková deska (57:19) : digital, stereo ; 12 cm + 1 leták (12 x 36 cm)
Všeobecná pozn.Kompaktní deska
Form.pozn.k obsahuI'm on the firing line Surely god is able He never said a mumblin' word Nobody knows the trouble I've seen Oh my lord Go down moses I'm bound Ground This train Sweepin' thru the gate Swing low, sweet chariot I'm free at last Just a closer walk with thee I looked down the line Do lord send me Wade in the water Twelve gates to the city Going back with Jesus Get right with god Testify Dark was the night, cold was the ground
Pozn.o účink.Soul Stirrers, The famous ward singers, Golden Gate Quartet a další
VZ-KorporaceThe famous ward singers
VZ-KorporaceSoul Stirrers
VZ-KorporaceGolden Gate Quartet
Sigla,sign.vlastn.OLA001 CD 4903
Počet exemplářů1