Katalog Vědecké knihovny v Olomouci, báze SVK01, záznam 000841651

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Číslo nár.bibliogr.020113506X
0248 wwka03678
0248 0084I011808
0248 0084I036788
Všeob.údaje zprac.Roberts, Fred S.
24510Measurement theory with applications to decisionmaking, utility, and the social sciences / Fred S. Roberts.
260 Reading, Mass. [u.a.] : Addison-Wesley, 1979.
Obecné poznámkyXXII, 420 S.
4901 Encyclopedia of mathematics and its applications ; Vol. 7 Section: Mathematics and the social sciences
PObecAntEncyclopedia of mathematics and its applications ; Section: Mathematics and the social sciences
Zdroj.pův.katalog.DE GyFmDB RAK-WB
Sigla,sign.vlastn.OLA001 754.045