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Kód jazykaengfregeritaspa
Zkrácený názevVegetatio
Klíčový názevVegetatio
Názvové údajeVegetatio : acta geobotanica
Nakladatel.údajeDen Haag : W. Junk, 1948-c1996.
Údaje fyz.popisu127 v. : ill. ; 28 cm.
Souč.periodicita6x ročně
Předch.periodicitaQuarterly, <v. 41, no. 3- >
ČíslováníVol. 1, fasc. 1 (1.7.1948 [July 1, 1948])-v. 127, no. 2 (Dec. 1996).
Všeobecná pozn.Size varies.
Všeobecná pozn.Published: Dordrecht, the Netherlands : Kluwer Academic, -Dec. 1996.
Pozn.o neprav.č.Three issues constitute a volume and 4 volumes are issued per year <1982- >, two issues constitute a v. and 6 v. are issued per year, -1996.
Pozn.k suppl.Separate tables accompany some issues.
Pozn.o jazykuEnglish, French, German, Italian or Spanish with summaries in English, French, German or Spanish.
Pozn.k vydavateliTo vol.30, 1975 organ of the International Society for Plant Geography and Ecology; from vol.31, 1975 to vol.65, no.3, 1986 of the International Society for Vegetation Science; from vol.66, no.1, 1986 to vol.85, 1989 of the International Association for Vegetation Science.
*Lokální poznámkaBan on loans within 26 weeks of receipt
VZ-KorporaceInternational Society for Vegetation Science.
VZ-KorporaceInternational Society for Plant Geography and Ecology.
VZ-KorporaceInternational Society of Vegetation Science.
Násled.záhlaví Plant ecology
Sigla,sign.vlastn.OLA001 252.655 k 1956-59
Počet exemplářů3