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HZ-Osobní jménoBurton, William H. 1890-1964 (William Henry),
Názvové údajeThe guidance of learning activities; : a summary of the principles of teaching as based upon the principles of learning / by William H. Burton ...
Nakladatel.údajeNew York, London : D. Appleton-Century Company Incorporated, [1944]
Údaje fyz.popisuxiv, 601, [1] p. : diagrs. ; 24 cm.
Všeobecná pozn.Supplemented by: The guidance of major specialized learning activities within the total learning activity; a supplementary volume designed for use with chapters 9 and 15. (178 p.; 23 cm.) Published: Cambridge, Mass., 1944. Call number LB1025.B982 Suppl.
Pozn.o bibliogr.Includes bibliographies.
Předm.-volně tvoř. Teaching. Learning, Psychology of.
Sigla,sign.vlastn.OLA001 110.365
Počet exemplářů1