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Názvové údajeVirtue's household physician : a twentieth century medica : a practical description in plain language of all the diseases of men, women, and children with the latest discoveries in medicine... / by a corps of eminent specialists, practising physicians and surgeons ; Herbert Buffum ... et al. ; illustrated with manikin coloured and half-tone plates
Údaje o vydáníNew and revised ed.
Nakladatel.údajeLondon : Virtue and Company, 1923-1924
Údaje fyz.popisu5 sv.
Form.pozn.k obsahuVol. 1. 305 s. 1924 -- Vol. 2. s.307-570, 1924 -- Vol. 3. s. 571-893, 1924 -- Vol. 4. s. 895-1166, 1924 -- Vol. 5. s. 1167-1444, 1923
VZ-Osobní jm.Buffum, Herbert
Sigla,sign.vlastn.OLA001 II 115.322
Počet exemplářů5