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MDT069.538(73 Washington)
HZ-Osobní jménoStubbs, Burns A.
Názvové údajePaintings, pastels, drawings, prints and copper plates by and attributed to American and European artists, together with a list of original whistleriana, in the Freer Gallery of Art / by Burns A. Stubbs
Údaje o vydání2nd edition
Nakladatel.údajeWashington : Smithsonian Institution Press, 1967
Údaje fyz.popisuvi, 152 s. : 30 čb. obr.
Edice-jiná formaFreer Gallery of Art Occasional Papers ; vol. 1, nr. 2
VZ-Edice-Unif.náz. Freer Gallery of Art Occasional Papers
Sigla,sign.vlastn.OLA001 121.380
Počet exemplářů1