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HZ-Osobní jménoGordon, George Stuart, 1881-1942
Názvové údajeThe discipline of letters / by George Gordon
Nakladatel.údajeOxford : The Clarendon Press, 1946
Údaje fyz.popisuvi, 207 s. ; 23 cm.
Všeobecná pozn.Preface signed: Mary Gordon.
Form.pozn.k obsahuThe discipline of letters -- Virgil in English poetry -- The Trojans in Britain -- Charles Lamb -- Shelley and the oppressors of mankind -- Scottish literature -- 'Redgauntlet.' -- Poetry and the moderns -- Andrew Lang -- Walter Raleigh in his letters -- Gerard Manley Hopkins and Robert Bridges -- John Swinnerton Phillimore.
Sigla,sign.vlastn.OLA001 195.579
Počet exemplářů1