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Logická bázeFREE
Kód kontrol.č.CZ-OlVK
Datum posled.zprac.20100306170921.0
KÚ-obecné inf.030225c20019999miufr-pss-----0---a0eng-c
Identif.č. LC--2004229110
ISSN1554-8112 1554-8112 1
*Syst. číslo(OCoLC)51744053
*Syst. číslo(SFX)1000000000033894
Zdroj katalogizaceSFX-JIB cze OLA001
*Kód ověřenípcc nsdp
Kód geogr.oblastie-uk-wl
*Signatura LCDA700
HZ-Unifik.názevNorth American journal of Welsh studies (Online)
Klíčový názevThe North American journal of Welsh studies (Online)
Názvové údajeThe North American journal of Welsh studies electronic resource / published on behalf of the North American Association for the Study of Welsh Culture and History.
Nakladatel.údajeFlint, Mich. : North American Association for the Study of Welsh Culture and History, 2001-
Souč.periodicitaTwo issues per year
ČíslováníVol. 1, no. 1 (winter 2001)-
Všeobecná pozn.Latest issue consulted: Vol. 4, no 1 (winter 2004) (viewed July 26, 2004).
Všeobecná pozn.Title from publisher's journal home page (viewed July 26, 2004).
Všeobecná pozn.Plný text je volně přístupný
Všeobecná pozn.Access is always allowed
ResuméComprised of material originally presented at a conference or event sponsored by the North American Association for the Study of Welsh Culture and History. Each issue is made up of two sections: addresses and articles. The addresses section is composed of reflections on various topics made by prominent figures in Welsh studies. The articles section includes fully footnoted works of scholarship in various fields of Welsh studies.
Pozn.-pož.na sys.Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Předm.-Věc.témaWelsh literature History and criticism Periodicals.
Předm.-Věc.témaArts and Humanities History
Předm.-Věc.témaArts and Humanities Literature
Předm.-Geograf.jm.Wales History Periodicals.
VZ-KorporaceNorth American Association for the Study of Welsh Culture and History.
*Vydání-jiný nosičNorth American journal of Welsh studies (OCoLC)50286896
Poskytovatel přístupuDostupné od 2001. 111061245432001 111061245432000 DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals:Full Text 1000000000199269
Poskytovatel přístupuAvailable from 2001. 111061245432001 111061245432000 DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals:Full Text 1000000000199269
Katalogizátor20120120 SVK07 0855
LCU 20120115061216