Katalog Vědecké knihovny v Olomouci, báze SVK07, záznam 000023223

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Logická bázeFREE
Kód kontrol.č.CZ-OlVK
KÚ-obecné inf.920301s1992----xxu-----s-----000---eng-d
Zdroj katalogizaceOLA001 cze
*Kód ověřenídc
*Signatura LCPZ Fiction and Juvenile Belles Lettres
HZ-Osobní jménoAesop, 620? BC-563? BC
Názvové údajeAesop's Fables [elektronický zdroj] / Aesop
Nakladatel.údaje[S.l.] : Projekt Gutenberg, 1992
Všeobecná pozn.Projekt Gutenberg
Pozn.o omez.dostup.Volně dostupné.
Pozn.k typu el.zdr.Text (elektronická kniha)
Předm.-volně tvoř. Fables, Greek -- Translations into English
Předm.-volně tvoř. Aesop's fables -- Translations into English
VZ-Příb./anal.náz.The cock and the pearl -- The wolf and the lamb -- The dog and the shadow -- The lion's share -- The wolf and the crane -- The man and the serpent -- The town mouse and the country mouse -- The fox and the crow -- The sick lion -- The ass and the lapdog -- The lion and the mouse -- The swallow and the other birds -- The frogs desiring a king -- The mountains in labour -- The hares and the frogs -- The wolf and the kid -- The woodman and the serpent -- The bald man and the fly -- The fox and the stork -- The fox and the mask -- The jay and the peacock -- The frog and the ox -- Androcles -- The bat, the birds, and the beasts -- The hart and the hunter -- The serpent and the file -- The man and the wood -- The dog and the wolf -- The belly and the members -- The hart in the ox-stall -- The fox and the grapes -- The horse, hunter, and stag -- The peacock and Juno -- The fox and the lion -- The lion and the statue -- The ant and the grasshopper -- The tree and the reed ---
VZ-Příb./anal.náz.^^ The fox and the cat -- The wolf in sheep's clothing -- The dog in the manger -- The man and the wooden god -- The fisher -- The shepherd's boy -- The young thief and his mother -- The man and his two wives -- The nurse and the wolf -- The tortoise and the birds -- The two crabs -- The ass in the lion's skin -- The two fellows and the bear -- The two pots -- The four oxen and the lion -- The fisher and the little fish -- Avaricious and envious -- The crow and the pitcher -- The man and the satyr -- The goose with the golden eggs -- The labourer and the nightingale -- The fox, the cock, and the dog -- The wind and the sun -- Hercules and the waggoner -- The man, the boy, and the donkey -- The miser and his gold -- The fox and the mosquitoes -- The fox without a tail -- The one-eyed doe -- Belling the cat -- The hare and the tortoise -- The old man and death -- The hare with many friends -- The lion in love -- The bundle of sticks -- The lion, the fox, and the beasts ---
VZ-Příb./anal.náz.^^ The ass's brains -- The eagle and the arrow -- The milkmaid and her pail -- The cat-maiden -- The horse and the ass -- The trumpeter taken prisoner -- The buffoon and the countryman -- The old woman and the wine-jar -- The fox and the goat.
VZ-Edice-Unif.náz. Projekt Gutenberg 28
Katalogizátor20071102 SVK07 1526