Katalog Vědecké knihovny v Olomouci, báze SVK07, záznam 000084752

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Kód kontrol.č.CZ-OlVK
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KÚ-fyz.popiscr mnu
KÚ-obecné inf.150207uuuuuuuuuxx-uu-|------u|----|eng-d
*Syst. číslo(SFX)3270000000000096
Zdroj katalogizaceSFX-JIB cze OLA001
HZ-Unifik.názevNomination and election of the President and Vice President of the United States, including the manner of selecting delegates to national political conventions (Online)
Názvové údajeNomination and election of the President and Vice President of the United States, including the manner of selecting delegates to national political conventions electronic resource
Všeobecná pozn.Plný text je volně přístupný
Všeobecná pozn.Access is always allowed
*Vydání-jiný nosičNomination and election of the President and Vice President of the United States, including the manner of selecting delegates to national political conventions
Poskytovatel přístupuDostupné od 2000 do 2008. 110976638852341 110976638852340 Free E- Journals:Full Text 3270000000000273
Poskytovatel přístupuAvailable from 2000 until 2008. 110976638852341 110976638852340 Free E- Journals:Full Text 3270000000000273
Katalogizátor20150209 SVK07 1013